Linklist 2 November 2014

The Internet Arcade | the Internet Archive
web-based library of arcade (coin-operated) video games from the 1970s through to the 1990s, emulated in JSMAME
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: how scientifically plausible is it?
Pop Culture Twitter Lists
From Ancient DNA, a Clearer Picture of Europeans Today
advances in biotechnology have made it possible to begin extracting entire DNA from the bones of ancestors who lived thousands of years ago
Women In Clothes
Explores the wide range of motives that inform how women present themselves through clothes, and what style really means.
Feast Your Eyes on This Beautiful Linguistic Family Tree
What's So Bad About Gluten?
Pictures of the factory show pallets stacked with fifty-pound bags of vital wheat gluten. "I just wonder how much of this additional gluten our bodies can digest", Jones told me when I was at the Bread Lab. "There has to be some limit."
c. 1858: Photos of Veterans of the Napoleonic Wars
Old Masters at the Top of Their Game -
72 Hours of #Gamergate
This swarming behavior is so prevalent, it got a new nickname 'sea lioning'
Inside Twitter's ambitious plan to kill the password
if Twitter has its way phone numbers will become the primary way we log into our mobile applications
De Kledingbibliotheek.
Adactio: Journal— Indie web building blocks
on POSSE: Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere