

Eleven Oscars for LotR! Check out all the results over at the IMDb website.


I'm working on adding RSS features to this site for better syndication.


Found an article (via hicksdesign) on whitespace, which talks of the personal website and the constant need for change. So recognisable! At the moment I'm quite pleased with the way everything looks here. But I wonder how long that willl last. Before I think of something or see something and want to change it all around. Again.

Palm Case

I'm on the lookout for better packaging for my Palm Zire, since the plastic cover, that came with it, just won't do. I rather like the one from Covertec, but I fear the one by Palm will be easier to get hold of.


Did some shopping earlier. Bought the Zire leather case. Looks nice. Found 2 beautiful pairs of earings, which I could not resist. And some bits and pieces for around the house.

Playing The Sims now, for the first time in ages. Still a great game though. And I'm doing some stuff for this site at the same time. Don't you just love multitasking? Improved some of the features for the maintenance. For example, I added an overview of referers. Nice to know who's linking to me. Like Arachne and Puckspodium. Thanks guys.

Mijn Postbank

After nearly 2 weeks and 7 letters from my bank (de Postbank) I managed to login to their new online banking system, called Mijn Postbank. Not with Firefox though. It crashed. Twice. Sigh. Why is it so hard to build a proper system like this? I don't want to use Internet Explorer. Certainly not with delicate matters like financing. I just don't get it.


Just found out about, where you can purchase either audio or video streams of Primus gigs to download. Very nice idea. Nice use of the medium. I would like to be able to check out the show I witnessed a few years back. Unfortunatly the archive doesn't stretch back that far (yet?). Well, maybe they'll play nearby again sometime soon. Hope so.


Read an article on using the Palm Zire for reading eBooks. Not sure if that'll be comfortable, but I'm going to download Palm Reader Pro to try it out anyway.


Whitespace, among others, has joined in on the discussion on the LockerGnome 'redesign'.

Keep building your sites as if you did not know the Y2K bug exists and I will build mine knowing that the future is both today and tomorrow.
There. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Wow, it's early. Can't believe I'm out of bed already. On weekdays I'd kill for another hour of sleep and on this here Saturday I'm wide-awake at this ridiculous hour. Sigh. Must be because I'm getting so old ;-) Twenty-five tomorrow. Weird.

Anyhow, these are some cool album covers...


Happy birthday to me...


NASA has discovered a new planet in out solarsystem. It's called Sedna and is even further away than Pluto. Cool.

Hell hath no fury

Watched a documentary on Boudicca earlier tonight. Though I have read a number of books -mostly on the Arthurian mythology- where she was mentioned, but never one about here. So, note to self: read Boudicca: Dreaming the Eagle by Manda Scott.


The spring equinox is one of the four great solar festivals of the year. Day and night are equal, poised and balanced, but about to tip over on the side of light. The spring equinox is sacred to dawn, youth, the morning star and the east.


Check out Exorcistbunnies, which is The Exorcist in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies. It's hilarious!


And so you won't think I'm just sitting around playing games here all day long, here's a link for Adalon. It's a tool for modelling applications, supporting the Fusebox Architecture and the Struts J2EE Framework. I need to test it more thoroughly, but it does look quite promising.

Castle of winds

Found this LotR game, which is really great. Whatever happened to the jump and run genre anyway? I loved those games. Got me bit nostaligic, and therefore thinking of Castle Of Winds. Which was crappy. But great. Maybe I've got it on disc somewhere.

Battle Royale

Found out about the release of Battle Royal II . Am quite curious to see it, because I liked -as disturbing as it was- part one. The review I read wasn't terribly possitive though.


Went to Keizer Culinair last night with most of my colleagues. We had to prepare and then eat our own meal. Had a good time, despite the presence of quite a lot of cheese.

Ice Age?

The Great Conveyor Belt fascinates me. Apparently it's the only thing between comfortable summers and a permanent ice age for Europe. Just so you know.


Happy birthday to my dad!

Went round there today, shared a nice meal. Strange, to be a guest in the house I grew up in. A dartboard now hangs on the wall of my old bedroom. Unbelievable, such a total lack of respect.


Summertime does not agree with me. Sigh.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to read an article on Guardian, about terraforming Mars. That's the process of turning the Red Planet into a blue world and filling it with Earthly creatures. Also, found, which I'll have to browse this evening for some interesting downloads.


Were planning to see Big Fish last night, but somehow it's impossible to go to the movies on a tuesday in Leiden. So we went to the local Mexican and rented Intolerable Cruelty instead. Which was quite un-Coen, but quite entertaining nonetheless.